If you have been here at 268 Bloomfield Avenue recently you have seen the fruits of our labor over 2010 -- made possible thanks to being a recipient of a "SWAT Team Renovation Grant" - an initiative of the New Jersey State Library. Our Team CPL has worked hard over many months, but has been lucky enough to have the additional support of the Women's Club of Caldwell.
In addition, friends such as Bruce White...Linda Stewart....Linda's dad (and Joe, Emilie and Christina's grandfather), Dick Picini....Dean Squires....Anthony Casale, Mario Bifalco and other friends from the Department of Public Works....Rich Hunt....Luis Hernandez....the many fine folks at Library Interiors....our Library Board members...our Caldwell Public Library Foundation members...all have contributed to the changes you see upstairs at the Caldwell Public Library.
Please take this opportuntity to thank Norma, to meet Peggy, and to THANK the State Library for sharing such a gift with us, all of us served by the Caldwell Public Library.
(And, you know us -- what is a meet and greet without coffee and?! Hope to see you Monday!)well!)
p.s. Karen's niece, Julie, sent her FLAT STANLEY -- so -- be prepared all to have your picture taken with Stanley on Monday! A special extension was given to Monday JUST so Stanley could join us for this event.